Tuesday 22 November 2011

Back to futer and various other tasks

Back to the future and various other tasks
Back to the future
At the start of this film it links in with the title straight away as back to the future gives you a hint it has something to do with time and the opening few seconds is clocks ticking, it then has an alarm sound and this triggers various machines to start working, in the first five minutes of the film we get a idea of the main characters and the theme and personality of the characters for instance the young boy is made out to be rather cool as he gets ladies waving at him on a skateboard a all of this whole opening scene is in one shot there is no fading in and out or moving the camera around at different angles it’s all at one angle and all moving at one direction and in a certain roll which links everything in together the main view where we see this is when the main character walks in and roles his skate board into the stolen product which was being talked about on the tv.
BBFC certificate “u”
it should be suitable for all however like they say in their opening page it is impossible to predict what people will like and not like and be offended by, No discriminatory language or behaviour unless clearly disapproved of. The use of violence and drugs should be non show able however violence is a minimal. No references to illegal drugs or drug misuse unless they are infrequent and innocuous, or there is a clear educational purpose or anti-drug message suitable for young children. Occasionally natural nudity and no weapons realistic such as guns and knives furthermore no bad language even mild language is not acceptable all films should be sensitive on the theme side of things

Progress report

Progress report
Coming into the start of this task with very little knowledge and the only knowledge I had is that of the prelimary task and I had to use as much of that as I could to try my best in this task we faced many different problems many of them we just sorting out who will end up doing what to make sure everyone can use their best knowledge and get the best out of each other this way for instances as I was not very good at doing acting or coming up with a good plane so therefore my main role was to do the majority of filming as Phil was better at coming up with the ideas and making the music he used his recent knowledge to do this and make up a brilliant soundtrack furthermore Albert said he would do the majority of acting so we started off with Albert doing the acting and it is working out rather well. We have agreed we will edit our video first and then add the sound track and then edit whatever needs to be edited from their for instance if we need to edit the soundtrack to fit the video we will do this.
Individual work?
I have contributed by helping to make various things which we will need finding specific rooms which we will need for our video and looking around for various ways In which we can differ our film and make it seem more interesting when filming the film, furthermore I have filmed the majority of this film which therefore is a bit of a contribution

Thursday 17 November 2011

character analysis in pairs.

1)Baggy and grubby looking clothing suggests to us that the character is poor or does not have a home. Beads other items that are tied to hair also implies that the character has a lot of keepsakes that he keeps with him at all times. This also tells us that the character has a lot of adventures. This makes the character more appealing to the audience. The character’s movement is also as though he is drunk. This is perhaps a reference to the pirate’s love of rum. This characteristic makes the character seem more amusing to the audience. His luck and wit also draws the audience towards the character. The character is also given a air of mystery as we hear storys of some of his antics. He also has physical aspects of mystery as he has dark eye make-up and several belts, pockets and ribbons about his character.
This character always wears long black robes that are very plain, this contrast greatly with his greyish shade of skin which draws attention to his skin being a strange colour suggesting that he is a magical person. He also moves very slowly when he is on camera, this also makes him seem more mystical and strange to the audience. The audience takes a dislike to this character, apart from being the main characters antithesis but also because he is very sly and has a quite, raspy and disturbing voice. His turns of phrases are also quite morbid and he has an obsession with power. When he is on the screen there is usually a dark green light or a cold filter on the camera. He is a very tall character and has an air of arrogance as he moves majestically and elegantly.
3) created character:
A young (12-14) orphaned boy from the early nineteenth century who lives on the streets scavenging for food and other daily necessities in a peasant town. His character is very cheeky and he could perhaps be getting into brushes with the law a lot when he is stealing or pick-pocketing. Despite his cheeky and carefree exterior he could be secretly unhappy about being orphaned or abandoned by his parents and searching for answers could be his plight throughout the narrative.
Appearance: To make him look poor he could be wearing dirty and ripped baggy clothing. Instead of wearing a belt he could have a piece of rope. He could also keep valuable items he has stolen in his pockets at all times to show he is skilled at stealing and untrustworthy of other people. The background could be a cold London market that is very dirty and has market traders going about their lives. The lighting would be bright and of a warm colour to show his good natured side. His body language could perhaps be like that of Billy Casper of cult hit ‘kes’, often slouching, very ploddy but when confronted, witty and agile. in the picture they could be looking around for anyone watching him as he tries to steal some fruit from a fruit stand in the market square.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

individual work

So far I have contributed:
-The drawings for story board of the opening sequence.
-The gathering and making of the props in the video including drawings on/in  books for titles.
-A small amount of the filming.
-Locating sets around the college.
-Appearing on screen a bit.
-The sound track to the sequence.
-Editing of the final opening.

Progress Report

So far we have found the planning and filming challenging yet rewarding. It is not particularly easy although it is very rewarding watching it come together. We have also found that not everything goes smoothly. In the storyboarding process we drew up a lot of scenes that weren’t possible to do on the day of filming. For example we wanted a shot of a foot stepping in a puddle and words appearing when the foot had left but when we went out to film we could not find any puddles so we instead used the frame in the story board to show that the character is travelling somewhere on foot.
  After the half term we came back and started the sound track and editing process. I used garage band to make the intro song using knowledge I gained from music GCSE and was able to create a song without using any loops. When the song was finished we started to try and make the song fit with the shots that we had taken. We edited the credits and the visual aspects at the same time as we wanted to intersperse the credits with the shots, also some of the shots needed titles that were relevant to the pictures. We also needed to order the credits that were edited in with the credits that were written on the props of the film. 

Monday 7 November 2011

class rules video

here is our finished video / opening sequence

majority of the editing was done via phil
the sound track was done all by phil as he had more knowledge on garage band than dec and i,

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Target Audience :

The target audience for our film was focused on the age ranges of about 7*
Which along with the scenes and the story line of the opening sequence / film would catogarise our film as a 'U' classification type of film.in terms of content that is no nudity or sexual sequences, it isn't a horror , it's a feel good type of film / opening sequence in which we hope viewers can watch it and leave feeling happy with a smile on their face after having had a good laugh at some of the humor.

Parents can also come long with their children to watch the film as it cb also be a family film which would help some families to bond with one bother as they are doing something together as. Group rather than individuals,the stoyine would appeal to those more educationally inclined as it's based at a school ground and follows the footsteps of a boy as he makes his way across the college/school and day stems about becoming the head teacher of the school / college.


I feel I have contributed towards the group in these following ways :

I uploaded 90% of all the blogs and images for our group work , which would be the story boards , the film we made in one of the lessons , and all the relevant images for our story board which coincide with the story bords.

I have taken up the role of being the min character / actor in the film projects (2 of them so far) so I have played a role in helping to get the films sorted and filmed,

I have also helped with filming some scenes , only about 2 or 3 but I have foreigners towards putting scenes into the video camera to be uploaded and later edited.

I have helped to draw out / design some of the scenes in the story boards and I always offer ideas and thoughts on the film projects so that our group can get the best possible pastas together for our film projects.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

evaluation questions 1 & 2- Phil

1)     1) I feel that our media project mimics popular film culture reasonably well to a certain extent as the vast majority of the shots in our opening are derived from other movie intros we have watched for example the back to the future opening inspired the character description that we tried to put into the sequence. The aim was to show the audience what sort of person the main character is and what will happen to him later on in the film. We have also put hints into what will happen to other characters that will influence the story line and what happens to the main character. I also think that the film sequence keeps its individuality in the way that the main character (Albert) seems reasonably anonymous for the first few scenes and his personality and physical features are then revealed. I think that putting the titles and credits into the films physical environment (credits on books and title on the resignation letter) was effective and makes the sequence more interesting. This was inspired by the opening of Nacho Libre. The sequence appears to have the right balance of original and derived ideas.

2)Our media product represents particular social groups in the way that the audience learns that the main character is a school boy. I think that this will help younger people relate to the main character the other character in the opening is the teacher (Phil) the teacher is portrayed negatively in the way that he looks grumpy and is making snappy movements at his white board and looks strict. This will result in our audience not liking this character and will make the film appeal to school kids as it is largely assumed that they do not perhaps particularly like some of their teachers
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